Photo by Chanaka Madushan Sugathadasa
Health is one of the things you will never take for granted in your life, especially in a time that feels full of negativity and threat. It can become so easy to slip into bad habits in relation to your health, and you never want to allow that to get on top of you and affect your wellbeing in a negative way. Staying on top of your health goals on a day to day basis can be manageable, but when you’re traveling, it can be much more challenging. Not only are you exposed to more threats when you’re out and about, but you are also far from your normal routine. Maintaining your health when traveling will help you to feel your best and provide you with the energy you need to enjoy your trip to the fullest. Whether you’re trying to focus on diet and exercise or you’re honing in on your mental wellbeing, there are a number of steps you can take to stay on top of your health goals when you’re traveling. Of course, you also need to make sure that you actually enjoy your trip too! Try not to be too stringent on rules and allow yourself a little bit of freedom and leeway to relax. The ideas mentioned below are there to guide you towards a positive and healthy experience whilst you travel; if some of the options don’t feel aligned to you, it’s okay to leave them out of your wellness plan. With this in mind, here are a handful of ways in which you can stay healthy and thrive whilst you live the dream and enjoy your travels!
Eat Nutritiously
It goes without saying that a healthy diet will help you to feel energized all year round, especially when you’re traveling. Eating nutritiously is easier than you think when you’re away from home, you simply need to find the right supplies and places to eat. Filling up your plate during meal times with fresh vegetables, whole grains and lean meats will help you to stay fuller for longer and consume all of the nutrients you need. Of course, it’s going to be tempting to see fast foods and unhealthy options everywhere you go, but this doesn’t mean that you need to eat them for every meal. Indulging in these treats every so often won’t harm your health at all, but it’s important to eat mindfully when you’re traveling so you don’t feel overfull and lethargic.
Keep an Open Mind and Try New Things
When you travel to a new place, it’s likely that you chose this destination because there is something you are keen to experience, see or do. Keeping an open mind and allowing yourself to live in the moment will absolutely help you to stay and feel healthy in your body and mind. Opening yourself up to new and exciting experiences will help you to take care of your mental health and gain more confidence. Whether you’re trying The 20 Most Unique Restaurant Ideas Around The World or you’re experiencing a skydive for the first time, there are so many different things that you can try whilst traveling. Keeping an open mind whilst you enjoy your vacation will open up more opportunities and allow you to create life-long memories.
Exercise Regularly
It can often be easier to exercise when you’re traveling as there are always so many sights to see and explore. Carrying out your usual exercise regime might seem tricky when you’re traveling, but there are a lot of fun things you can do to get your heart rate pumping. Depending on where you’re staying, you could head to a hotel gym to get your morning workout in before breakfast. Alternatively, you could start your day with an enjoyable run on the beach or around a local town. You may even want to finish a day of sightseeing with some rooftop yoga, if this is your cup of tea. There are so many effective ways to move your body whilst traveling, so that you can stay on track with your health.
Remember Your Medication and Supplements
If you take any regular medications or supplements, you must always ensure you take them with you whilst traveling. Leaving these at home may create unnecessary health symptoms that you really don’t want to experience whilst you’re on holiday or traveling. Contact your doctor and ask for an extra lot of medicine if you’re going to be away from home for a long time. This will ensure that you don’t run out of your medication whilst you’re away. Supplements are a brilliant way to maintain your energy levels and make you feel your best. Carry on taking your usual vitamins and supplements as you travel so that you don’t experience any adverse side effects.
If you take a lot of medication and supplements and don’t like the idea of taking your whole supply with you, especially if you’re worried about losing it, find a way to transport the amount you need safely and securely.
When you’re traveling and out of your normal routine, it can be easy to forget when to take your medication, even if you have it with you. Use a pill reminder to keep track of what you’re taking and when, so you can stay fit and healthy on your travels and you’ll have one less thing to worry about.
Focus on Your Mental Health
If you’re staying away from home for a prolonged period of time, you may want to take extra steps to keep your mental health in check. It is well-known that reading can help to maintain your mental health so this might be something you consider as part of your daily routine. There is nothing more enjoyable than sitting on a sunlounger, looking out at the blue sea and indulging in a brilliant book. Having some peaceful moments to yourself is also an ideal way to focus on your mental health and help you feel grounded. Download a mediation app onto your phone if you think you might need some extra assistance in feeling calm during busy parts of the day. A daily meditation is the ideal way to feel relaxed, happy and at peace while you travel.
If you are trying to focus on your mental health while you are away traveling then try to avoid excess stress. This could come in many forms including anxiety over using transport systems or even running out of money. The last thing you want to happen is that you run out of funds during your trip. Friends and family may be able to help you out should you need it, take a look at how you can send money to Colombia or any other country you are visiting.
Stick to an Enjoyable Routine
Humans are creatures who thrive on routine, so nothing should change when you are traveling. Sticking to an enjoyable routine is a great way to keep your health on track as it will create a level of consistency and stability. From your eating habits to your exercise regime, an enjoyable routine will help you to maintain your health whilst traveling.
Traveling can feel like an exciting prospect when you’re in the planning stages, but when you are in the thick of it it is easy to lose sight of what you actually want to achieve. As well as enjoying a vacation or once in a lifetime trip, you also want to feel as healthy as possible at the same time. As mentioned above, there are a number of different wellness strategies that will help you to feel your very best as you enjoy your travels. Whether you want to focus on maintaining your mental health or you’re keen to stick to your physical health goals, there are so many different strategies you can try for yourself. As well as sticking to an enjoyable routine, you can also keep an open mind and try out new things; traveling is an experience to be enjoyed and you want to leave your trip feeling as though you have soaked in every available opportunity. All in all, if you can try a combination of all of the methods mentioned above, you will feel your very best when you’re out and about on your travels this year. Whether you’re traveling somewhere for an extended period of time, or you’re enjoying a week away on vacation, all of the ideas discussed may be applicable to you. If you’re also traveling with loved ones, you may want to get them involved in your wellness regimes too. Everyone can benefit from having healthy travel habits, so make sure you share some of these ideas with people you are closest to!