One thing that gets pushed so much, yet at the same time still gets ignored is preventative health. If you look at any books, videos, or even reach out to older folks like your parents or grandparents about regrets that had, one of the most common will always be preventative health- always. It might range from pelvic floor, knees, back, exercising, diet, wearing SPF, but they all still pertain to preventive health.
So, whatever harmful habits you might be having right now, it’s going to be a good idea to finally look into quitting them once and for all. So, with that all said, here are some health regrets you should really avoid with age!
Ignoring Heart Health
This is something that’s taught as a kid, but still, to this very day, so many adults make this mistake! Heart disease remains a leading cause of death globally, but it's also one of the most preventable illnesses. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking are significant risk factors- these are just to name a few. Honestly, it’s so incredibly easy to cut this out for and for all.
All you need to do is just start by checking your blood pressure and cholesterol levels regularly, quitting smoking, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and maintaining a regular exercise routine. Just by focusing on these factors early can drastically reduce your heart disease risk and potentially negate the need for interventions like endovascular treatments later on for issues such as blocked arteries.
Your Vascular Health
This ties in pretty close to your heart health. Your vascular system, comprising arteries and veins, is crucial for maintaining blood flow and overall health. Conditions like PAD can become severe if not addressed, potentially leading to more measures such as endovascular surgery and having to alter your lifestyle more with age.
While having non-invasive surgery doesn’t sound so bad, again, your vascular system is such a massive part of what keeps you alive and what helps you do just basic everyday activities. So just focus on a healthy diet (with good fats), exercise, and, of course, have regular check-ups since these simple things can prevent the need for any sort of intervention.
Skipping Regular Screenings
This pretty much goes into what was said above regarding regular checkups. It’s pretty obvious, but regular health screenings catch problems before they become serious. For instance, screenings for cancer, like mammograms and colonoscopies, can detect diseases early when they are most treatable. The same goes for bone density screenings to prevent osteoporosis. Believe it or not, not all of these screenings are age-based either, like seeing an audiologist that’s for everyone of all ages.
Neglecting Dental Health
It might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about aging, but dental health plays a pretty big role in your overall well-being. Just think about gum disease; this alone can lead to serious issues, including tooth loss and infections that can spread to other parts of your body. You already know what you have to do, yes, floss, brush, and see your dentist regularly!